See you all next year
Hosted By
Olympic Peninsula Rocketry 4-H
August 21, 22 ,23 2015
Location : Discovery Bay ,WA. 98368
922 W. Uncas Rd.
Entry Fee: Adults $3.00, KIDS FREE
Entry Fees good for all three day's with wrist band
Pasture Blaster
See you all next year
Hosted By
Olympic Peninsula Rocketry 4-H
August 21, 22 ,23 2015
Location : Discovery Bay ,WA. 98368
922 W. Uncas Rd.
Entry Fee: Adults $3.00, KIDS FREE
Entry Fees good for all three day's with wrist band
This launch is open to the Public on our 84 acre launch site!
National Association of Rocketry Competition Events
August 21,22 2015
Spot Landing
1/2A Parachute Duration
A Streamer Duration
To download event registration form CB-1-70, go to this
Drawing will start Saturday 8/22 at 1:00pm during the launch day and continue till 5:00pm
All proceeds go to support Olympic Peninsula Rocketry 4-H
Build the Estes Crayon Kit with no modifications , launch with C6-3 motor w/parachute, longest flight duration WINS!!!!
Build secession start time 12:00pm
Launch on Saturday Aug 22, 2015 1:00pm
Bragging Right Trophy will be Awarded to the winner
Saturday after 6:00pm
Drawing for Model Rocket Kits
Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00Drawing will start Saturday 8/22 at 1:00pm during the launch day and continue till 5:00pm
All proceeds go to support Olympic Peninsula Rocketry 4-H
KIDS Crayon Duration Contest
Saturday August 22, 2015 ONLY
Open to the Public
First 12 kids will receive one FREE Estes Crayon kit
and C6-3 motor.
Sign up at Entry Table
Rules are simple:Build the Estes Crayon Kit with no modifications , launch with C6-3 motor w/parachute, longest flight duration WINS!!!!
Build secession start time 12:00pm
Launch on Saturday Aug 22, 2015 1:00pm
Bragging Right Trophy will be Awarded to the winner
Saturday after 6:00pm
The Pasture Blaster Launch will officially get under way:
- Friday August 21, at noon to 6:00 pm.
- Flying will continue Saturday, August 22. 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
- The range will open again Sunday, August 23. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Low Power, Mid Power and High Power Rockets
- High Power will be under FAR 101/ Class I ONLY
- Rockets up to 3.3 LBS including no more than 125 grams of propellant
- Max. ALT. 3,000'
- Free RV/ Tent Camping on-site
- Comfort Station ( Port-a-Potty ) on-site
- Rocket Vendor on-site
- Food Vendor on-site Reasonable prices
- Menu ( subject to change)
- Hot Dogs
Pulled Pork SandwichesChilibeverage , chips with each mealBreakfast on Saturday and Sunday:Egg casserole and cinnamon rolls or muffinsorange or apple juicecoffee--all day
- Fat Smitty's restaurant North & East 1.5 Miles
- Snug Harbor Cafe North and West 2 Miles
- Valley View Motel Cabins 1.6 miles http://www.valleyviewmotel.com/
- 4 units available
- Eagle Mount Rockery Cottages 2.5 Miles http://www.eaglemtrockerycottages.com/services
1/8" 3/16' and 1/4" SS rods to 5' and 6' 1010 rail
- NAR SAFETY CODES for Model, Mid-Power And High Power will be in effect.
- Pre-Flight Safety Brief before each day's Launch
- All flights will require a launch card
- All HPR flights will be carded.