Olympic Peninsula Rocketry (OPROC)

Launch Equipment

PVC Launch Pad
Goony Max First Flight

At the present time we have two launch pads. An Estes Pro pad and a homebuilt PVC pad . Equipt to handle 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4' Stainless Steel rods,all are 4 foot in length. We also have two Estes Pro contollers w/ 7.2 volts and one w/14.4 volts . Our lastest purchase consist of a Pratt Hobbies Sixpack Multi-Launch controller. Before the up comming launch season we will have a new rack launcher w/six launch rods.

Pratt Hobbies Sixpack Multi-Launch Controller

PVC Launch Pad
The link below will show you how to build a PVC launch pad ( pictured above ) which
our 4-h club has used for the past 4 years. Nice thing about this design over the standard Estes pad, there is no need to kneel right on the ground as the launch rod is almost 24" above the ground.
Cost about $20.00-$25.00

Stainless Steel Launch Rods

1/8" - 4 Foot SS Rods

3/16"- 4 Foot SS Rods


OPROC's  new control panel

 Launch Rack  we now have 12 LPR pads